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Frog Jump Rules
A. Entry Forms:
ï‚· An entry form must be purchased for each frog to be jumped.
ï‚· No refunds on entry forms paid but not used.
ï‚· Entry forms from previous years cannot be used.
ï‚· By entering a frog, you agree to be photographed.
ï‚· Any photos will become the property of the Association and may be used in promotional efforts.

B. Frog Requirements:
ï‚· Must be at least four inches (4”) from nose to tail.
ï‚· Must begin jump with all four (4) feet, including toes, on the eight inch (8”) launch pad.
ï‚· No substitutions.
ï‚· Evidence of jumping the same frog twice will result in disqualification and forfeiture of prizes.
ï‚· No foreign substances permitted in the water.

C. Jump Officials:
In the background -
ï‚· Stage Manager oversees activity on the stage and has the final word in all situations.
ï‚· Entry Clerk collects entry forms and processes them to present to the Announcer.
ï‚· Recorders write jump results on entry forms.
ï‚· Timekeeper operates the clock for one minute jump requirement.
ï‚· Frog Handler moves rental frogs from buckets to individual jumpers.
ï‚· Runners take frogs from the Frog Spa to the Stage and back.
On the stage — Announcers, Stickmen, Measurers, Netters and Judges.

D. Rotation of Entries:
ï‚· Individuals/teams may enter a maximum of 20 frogs at one time.
ï‚· Entry forms must be turned into the Entry Clerk. To submit additional entries, you must go to the end of
the line.
ï‚· Once a set of forms (max. of 20) are handed to the Entry Clerk; no more can be added to that set of 20.
ï‚· Entry Clerk takes the forms for each round and divides them into two groups:
o First five go into the “5 Stack” slot on Recorders’ table. These cannot be touched or changed. Remaining entries in this round go into “15 Stack” slot on Entry Board. With Entry Clerk’s approval and supervision these entries can be changed or removed until they reach the “5 Stack.”

ï‚· Entry Clerk hands entries from the “5 Stack” to the Announcer.
ï‚· Entry Clerk moves entries five at a time from the “15 Stack” to the “5 Stack.”

E. Team Staging:
ï‚· Individuals/teams move onto the stage on a first-come, first-served basis.
ï‚· First three teams take the three tables on stage and must exit off once their jumps are completed.
ï‚· Stage Manager alerts those in next three positions of their impending jumps.
ï‚· Once alerted, teams have two minutes to take their tables onto the stage.
ï‚· Teams are not allowed to stack the line. Teams may occupy more than one table at discretion of the Stage Manager in cases of overlapping or delay in jump action

F. Jump Measuring and Procedures:
ï‚· The distance will be measured on the third jump in a straight line from the center of the pad to the tail of
the frog. A walk or skip is counted as a jump.
ï‚· If a frog jumps into the Jockey or the Jockey’s equipment, the frog will be disqualified.

ï‚· If a frog jumps into other people or other people’s equipment on the stage, the Jockey may allow a re-jump or take the mark.

ï‚· In competitive jumping, only the frog jockey can bring the frog to the pad. Other team members must remain off the carpet.
ï‚· During the jump, only the person jockeying the frog may move ahead of the launching pad.
ï‚· “Off the pad!” and disqualification can and should be called by the judges and announcer, and echoed by stick and tape team.
ï‚· “No mark!!” can only be called by the Frog Jockey, and no distance will be measured for their frog.
ï‚· Netters shall remain off the carpet and shall not pursue the frog until the third jump is completed.
ï‚· The jump must occur within one (1) minute from start to finish.
ï‚· A one-minute clock will start when the Announcer announces the Jockey’s name.
ï‚· If the jump is not completed within one (1) minute the timer will sound and the frog will be disqualified.
ï‚· Touching the frog after it leaves the pad is cause for immediate disqualification.
ï‚· Any interference by a participant or team member may be cause for disqualification.
ï‚· All marks are final as determined by the Judges.
ï‚· Protests of any decision will follow the same procedure as other Fair event protests.
ï‚· Issues that affect the operation of the Frog Jump will be brought to the CEO’s attention..
G. Main Stage and Fun Jump Etiquette:
ï‚· No smoking or vaping is allowed in the Fun Jump area or Main Stage area.
ï‚· Unsupervised, disruptive children shall not be allowed on the Main Stage or behind the scenes.
ï‚· Photographers and writers will be directed to the Media Person.
ï‚· Only the designated Official Fair Photographer will be allowed unsupervised stage access.



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